
What are your plans for International Women’s Day?

I'm hosting a journal workshop at my job, The Wing —Dumbo, in collaboration with Girls Inc. Also, through my personal brand theGIRLMOB, we are dropping a compilation video from a shoot we did for International Women's Day that will tease the rest of the content we created for this month :)

How do you incorporate women’s rights into your jobs? How do they influence your work?

Well, that notion is embedded in everything that I do! As the Founder + EIC of theGIRLMOB my vision is to bridge the communication gap between Women of Color so we can better understand each other and be better allies to one another. Additionally, as a Community Manager for The Wing, my job is to make sure our members feel heard, seen and comfortable.

What does it mean to you to be a “Nasty Woman”?

I have never have actually called myself that tbh, I know the reference but not a term I've used for myself (not for any particular reason). I will say I'm a woman that will always speak up if she sees something wrong, and genuinely cares about women's rights — especially those who come from marginalized communities.

Is there a quote/motto that you try to live by? If so, what is it?

It's from Bad Boy "Cant stop, Wont stop"

Coffee or Tea?

Tea for sure

Go To Beauty Products?

Neutrogena ultra sheer facial moisturizer with SPF, Nars Orgasm liquid blush, Glossier boy brow.

One thing that’s always in your handbag?

My wallet

Favorite indulgence?

Hazelnut gelato

Girl crush?

Tracee Ellis Ross and Jlo

A woman you look up to & why?

Bozoma Saint John because she's always herself & it's reaffirming to know that being you always wins in the end

Go to outfit?

Anything that's colorful and with a pair of sneakers on my feet

Favorite brand?

95% of my wardrobe is from a thrift shop... so, yo no se.

General advice you would give to anyone reading this?

If it makes you miserable, don't do it/stop doing it.

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